Privacy Policy

Gold Farmer places a high priority on your privacy. This Privacy Notice elucidates our existing policies and procedures regarding the collection and utilization of individual customer information. Should any aspects of these policies change, we will provide you with an updated Privacy Notice well in advance. This proactive approach gives you ample time to respond before the changes become effective.

To deliver tailored service, Gold Farmer gathers information from the forms you submit through our website, or from collaborations with other forex firms. This information is utilized to make necessary contact with you, track the status of your applications with our partner firms, process your requests, and furnish you with comprehensive details about our products and services.

Your non-public personal information is accessible only to employees who require it to provide you with products and services. We uphold federal standards by maintaining physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to ensure the security of your personal information.

Should you have any inquiries or concerns about this Privacy Notice or the security of your personal information, feel free to reach out to us at for further clarification.

For users who register on our website (if applicable), their provided personal information is securely stored in user profiles. Users retain the ability to view, modify, or delete their personal information at their convenience, with the exception of their usernames. Furthermore, website administrators possess the capability to access and edit this information.
